Psychosomatic approach is based on the assumption that the psyche and the body work together, influencing each other. Behind this position is deeper assumption, that in fact the psyche and the body are one unit (holistic approach). Psychosomatics therefore definitely breaks with the position of the dualistic approach, according to which the mind and body are separate, independent entities. In psychosomatic illness dysfunctions of the mind influence the body and determine the formation of somatic symptoms, which in turn have a negative impact on the psyche. The author introduces the concept of biopsychosocial types as a construct comprising a patterns of cognitive, motivational emotional, and behavioral fuctions, personality and psychophysiological pattern. In this article, the author presents the first three basic types of biopsychosocial, or “A”, “C” and “D”. The author then discusses the type of biopsychosocial defined as “P” (positive), the patterns of cognitive, motivational emotional, and behavioral functions, personality and psychophysiology, which are particularly advantageous from the point of view of health (in particular the prevention of psychosomatic diseases).References
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