State civil and military ceremonies, different in their content and form (coronation of monarchs, inauguration, military reviews and parades, etc.), are important in the exercising by the state of its political, ideological and cultural functions. Cultural diplomacy is a component of public diplomacy, which, in turn, is one of the tools for creating the image of the state, its attractiveness for the countries of the world community. As one of the communication technologies in the process of legitimizing government institutions, the inauguration ceremony is an important mechanism of cultural diplomacy. Despite the fact that in the states of the post-Soviet space, after the October 1917 coup, the natural process of the development of state ceremonial culture was disrupted, the inauguration ceremony in Ukraine is the program of the current government, politics and the prestige of the state. The very specificity of the inauguration as a social phenomenon makes the ceremonial action a kind of illustration of the customs and tastes of the ruling elite, which also establishes a balance between the participants in the ceremony and society. The history of ceremonial culture shows that in most cases the attitude to the ceremony of coming to power is the attitude to the power itself.
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