The paper aims at finding out the conceptual ground of emotiveness of the poetic text. In the current study, emotiveness is regarded as a textual category which reveals itself in the unity of the form (figurative means), content (emotional images of the addresser), and specific functions (intentions of communicating emotional experience of the addresser) of a poem. It has been stated that emotiveness of a poetic text is made of emotives – verbal units that mark emotional images of the author. Since emotional imagery of a poetic text bears diffuse (but by no means haphazard) features, its study becomes possible through the conceptual modelling methods. The application of them to the study of emotives resulted in revealing the presence of emotive trajectory – the emergent formation in the poetic text that organizes its emotional images. In this paper, the emotive trajectory is defined as a conceptual construct which has a specific configuration embracing the alternation of fluctuates and emotive turns. Each fluctuate consists of the starting point, uprising fragment, peak, down-falling fragment and affective zero point. The fluctuates are shaped by force dynamics of the emotional situations which are present in the poetic text.
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