The study looks for ways of analyzing the aesthetic aspect of emotiveness in a poem. To accomplish the aim, the author undertakes an attempt to study the essence of the image of aesthetic feeling. Since a poetic text appears to be a complex unity of notional, emotive, and aesthetic codes, the methods of cognitive analysis are employed to formalize deep cognitive and emotive constructs that give rise to aesthetic senses within a poetic text. The study relies on the statement that an image of aesthetic feeling has an emergent nature which means that it appears in the process of poetic text writing as a result of a creative impulse of the author (O. Mandelstam). In the study, the image of aesthetic feeling is regarded as an emotive image of the highest level. On the one hand, it is directed at some well-established aesthetic categories, and on the other, it reveals the author’s attitude to them which is manifested through a sophisticated network of images. A step-by-step analysis of Shel Silverstine’s poem “A Light in the Attic” has been suggested to illustrate a possible way of uncovering image(s) of aesthetic feelings inscribed in the text.
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