Keywords: emotiology, image of emotion, cognitive and affective structure, emotional concept


The paper is focused on studying nominative emotive units in poetic texts, that are thought to carry the generalized information about the emotions and feelings of communicants and thus are devoid of any poetic potential. However, this paper undertakes an attempt to prove the opposite. The nominative emotive units are analyzed with regard to the methods of cognitive analysis. It has been stated that such linguistic units are based on emotional concepts that embrace affective and factual information pertaining to emotiogenic situations. It has been also stated that the emotional concept has scalar characteristics which are associated with the dynamic nature of feelings. The combination of nominative emotive units renders the ontological aspect of emotions. The stages of the emotive unit formation are modelled and outlined in the paper to show that communication of emotional imagery is possible through them. The paper also proves that nominative emotive units render the ontological aspect of feelings flow with a high degree of accuracy. At the same time they demonstrate a number of aesthetic features.


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How to Cite
Redka, I. (2021). NOMINATIVE EMOTIVE UNITS IN POETIC TEXT: A COGNITIVE STUDY. Scientific Journal of Polonia University, 45(2), 126-132.