The article attempts to rethink the meaning of modern education in the context of combining two opposing trends, to determine the status of Latin in the context of trends regarding modern education, which covers different fields of knowledge and combines interdisciplinary approaches. The solution to this issue is seen in the creation of a highly professional philosophy of education, where one of the leading places will be occupied by a combination of humanities, natural sciences and exact sciences. A special role in this process is taken by to Latin as a fundamental discipline in the process of language training of future specialists in the field of modern technologies. The prestige of Latin as a subject is that Latin for many centuries has played a significant role in the education system, in particular in specialized one, because this language is provided with vocabulary to explain certain abstractions. The article concludes that it is necessary to motivate future specialists to study Latin, which not only forms the fundamentals of the terminological base, but is a means of raising the level of scientific culture of future mathematicians, physicists, and IT specialists. Studying Latin at the departments of exact disciplines will help students not only to have a deeper understanding of terminology in their native language, but also to master the language competence required in research work.
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