The article analyzes Apuleius’s novel “Metamorphoseon” (Latin Metamorphoseon) or “The Golden Donkey” (Latin Asinus aureus) in the context of the frame approach. Apuleius’s novel is of great interest for research, as there, in the depths of a single linguistic picture of the author’s worldview there are two hypostases of language – profane and mythopoetic, serving the basis for the representation of the sacred holistic concept of worldview. This study grounds the need for forming research strategies based on the construction of a genre frame and taking into account the genre characteristics of the ancient text. The purpose of this study is to analyze the text of the ancient Latin novel as a certain hierarchical structure. The latin text of the novel “The Golden Donkey” served as the research material. Based on the example of the text extract analysis, an attempt is made to reproduce the process of forming a genre frame. The process of interpreting the genre of the Roman novel can be represented as a process of forming a static genre frame and its transformation into a dynamic genre frame, where the static frame is presented at the level of rethinking the mystery traditions of ancient culture, and a dynamic frame is shown in the context of recursive art technique (mise en abyme), typical for the creative manner of Apuleius. Analysis of “The Golden Donkey” in the context of frame scenarios suggests that Apuleius, consciously sought to avoid genre certainty, which later served as a basis for the formation of new directions in European literature.
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