Keywords: type of thinking, temporal thinking, education, post-information society, educational information technologies.


The level of education does not guarantee the necessary level of critical thinking, both individually and collectively. A modern person faces the problem of processing text and multimedia terabytes of information in the educational process, which does not affect the creativity and creative approach of a qualified specialist in solving the tasks set for the individual and society to solve. In addition, the large volumes of knowledge intensively acquired by those gaining education in our time overwork brain activity and lead to resistance to information overload. Now, the simpler the exchange format, the better. No one wants to work with large amounts of data, and it accumulates quickly in every field of knowledge. Few people think about the problem of connectedness of information, the trend of clip thinking is growing. That is, a person is deprived of opportunities and skills to understand and manipulate things more complex than one picture, comic or short video. Thus, the education system faces a dilemma: how to form the necessary level of professional competence in an individual and at the same time develop critical and systemic thinking, and not suppress his creative social activity by overloading with unnecessary information and knowledge. It is necessary to create conditions for solving the main problem of the post-information society, in which the level of education should be determined by the quality of the specialist's thinking, and not by the amount of knowledge acquired by him. The article examines the trends that influence the change in the thinking of modern people through the prism of the creation of the latest format of education, taking into account the factors determined by the use of the latest information technologies in the design and development of educational platforms. The need to change educational information technologies in the education system and transition from "monolithic" educational technologies to flexible information technologies implemented in microservice architecture is substantiated.


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How to Cite
Lefterova, O., & Lefterov, O. (2022). MODERN IT AS THE KEY TO CREATING A NEW FORMAT OF EDUCATION. Scientific Journal of Polonia University, 54(5), 49-55.