Keywords: picture of the world, linguistic picture of the world, concept, conceptualization, conceptual picture of the world.


The article analyzes the notions of linguistic and conceptual pictures of the world and reveals the peculiarities of their interaction. It was found that in linguistics, the picture of the world is generally understood as an ordered set of knowledge about reality, which is formed in the social, group and individual consciousness. As a result of the analysis of modern linguistic sources it is established that the picture of the world is a complex system of images that reflect reality in the collective and individual consciousness. The picture of the world consists of conceptual and linguistic pictures that are interdependent. The conceptual picture of the world is a field of thought, which is a set of ideas, concepts and knowledge about the world around us and the principles of its organization, and language is a product of verbal realization of these concepts, ideas and knowledge. Linguistic reading of the picture of the world is nationally specific. The national linguistic picture of the world is seen as an ethnically determined understanding and evaluation of the surrounding world in relation to a particular ethnic group, reflected in linguistic forms.


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How to Cite
Terniievska, Y. (2022). THE INTERACTION OF LINGUISTIC AND CONCEPTUAL PICTURES OF THE WORLD. Scientific Journal of Polonia University, 51(2), 176-186.