Keywords: digital ecosystem, digital competence, ergonomics, remote work, efficiency, performance.


The application of digital ecosystems to various activity types is an objective reality. One of the areas of activity that is currently undergoing a stage of active digitalisation is the educational system. As a result, a separate segment of digital ecosystems appeared − the digital learning ecosystem. The essential issues in the operation of digital learning ecosystems are the learner’s efficiency and safety when interacting with them. This issue has become relevant due to the recent transition to a remote learning mode because control of the effectiveness and safety of interaction with the digital learning ecosystem has decreased. Thus, the paper puts forward a hypothesis: the efficiency and safeness of a student’s work with a digital learning ecosystem in a remote work depend on three components: the level of digital competence; ergonomics of the digital learning ecosystem; ergonomic organisation of the workplace. An experiment was carried out to research the hypothesis. The students in the first year of studying the bachelor’s qualification level from the Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics took part. The Personal Learning Systems was chosen as the studied object. The hypothesis got confirmation during the study. In addition, a heuristic model of student interaction with a digital learning ecosystem was proposed based on the results. According to the model, teaching students such interdisciplinary sciences as cognitive and organisational ergonomics and building an individual learning trajectory will increase the effectiveness of students’ interaction with digital learning ecosystems.


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How to Cite
Protasenko, O., & Ivashura, A. (2022). EFFECTIVENESS AND SAFETY OF STUDENTS’ WORK WITH DIGITAL LEARNING ECOSYSTEMS. Scientific Journal of Polonia University, 51(2), 337-349. https://doi.org/10.23856/5140