Demographers analyzing the dynamics in the world's population face two types of problems. For the past they did not posses accurate data on the number of people in the world or in any particular society. Proposed by them number are more of a conjecture than of a high degree of probability. The sci- entists do not have data on that matter. For the future, it does not mean that the present demographic trends observed over a particular period of time will last in the future. For example, based on the data from the early 60s of the last century some demographers predicted that in 2000 the Polish population may exceed the size of 46 million. This had not happened. Contrary, Polish Society of the dynamic demographically turned into aging and its fertility dropped down to the lowest in Europe and even in the world. Referring to that E. Frątczak observed. Changes that have occurred over the life of the family in the first half of the period of transition in Poland should be considered shock- ing when it comes to the scope, depth, and a short period of time in which these changes have been implemented. The most important factors of change seem to be: disseminated one-child model family, divorce, alternative styles of family life, lack of adequate policy.Wykaz bibliografii
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