Słowa kluczowe: target organs, retina, fundus, visometry, vascular changes, non-contact angiography


In recent years, the study of the structural and functional state of the retina in patients with the hypertension stage of the I-IInd type with the usage of optical coherence tomography with angiography, is the subject of particular interest.

It was examined 54 patients with the I- II stage of hypertension, aged 35 to 62 years, who did not receive antihypertensive therapy. Visualization of retinal structures was performed using an optical coherence tomograph (RTVue XR Avanti OCTA (Optovue, Inc, with AngioVue Software 2.0) with angiography function.

A decrease in visual acuity was found in 56.67% of patients with hypertension of the I stage, and – in 79.17% of patients with the II stage.

From the retinal arterioles it was detected an increase in their tone, especially among patients with hypertension of the II stage. On the part of capillaries, among patients of the main group, their tortuosity was noted – in 62.5% of patients with the II stage of AH, also in 54.17% of cases it was revealed a granular blood flow. Also among this group of patients, microaneurysms were revealed in a third of patients, areas of depletion were revealed in 41.67% of patients.

Among extravascular disorders, in patients with I-II degree AH, were revealed hemorrhages, retinal edema, thickening of the neuroepithelium and pleximorphic layer, smoothing of the foveolar fossa, edema of the macular area, also it was detected accumulation of fluid between the layers.

The study of the peripapillary zone of the retina revealed a significant thickening of the layer of nerve fibers in patients with the I stage of AH up to (176.4 ± 9,75) μm in 33.33% of people, under the II stage – to (190,24 ± 12,53) μm, in 54.17% of cases, against the index rules – (10 2.5 ± 6, 47) μm. In 12.5% of cases, the RNFL index was significantly lower than the obtained norm – (93.78 ± 6.19) μm.

Currently, it is necessary to continue the study of the retina in patients with hypertension to determine the risks of damage caused to target organs and evaluate the effectiveness of prescribed antihypertensive therapy.

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