Słowa kluczowe: tourist activities, educational process, activity approach, principles organization


The article identifies the specifics of the organization of tourist activities in the education institutions. Forms and types of tourist activity and groups of conditions that ensure the organization of the educational process in education institutions: environmental, psychological and pedagogical, organizational are mentioned in the article. The educational process is presented as a controlled dynamic system consisting of interconnected elements that provide purposeful, step-by-step and planned activities to organize educational interaction with participants in the educational process. The article analyzes the content the activity component of the in an of organization the tourist activities in an education institutions and noted that the activity approach provides the opportunity to develop holistic integration models as well as to identify basic functions, elements, components, their relationships and interconnections, system-forming factors and the functioning conditions in static and dynamic aspects. All of organization the tourist activities in an education institutions structural components are aimed at the practical activity, in particular, the capacity of tourism specialists for solving specific pedagogical situations. The activity approach is the basis of tourist activities and should ensure the formation of readiness of tourism specialists for modeling and construction of social environment for personal development in the education system, active cognitive activity.

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