Keywords: activity approach, competence, research study, self-study, instruction


Practical works with detailed instructions meet the requirements of the activity approach and provide an opportunity for self-study in the conditions of mixed education. The value of practical work in physics lessons is that they contribute to the connection between theory and practice, form research skills, teach how to process measurement results and analyze experiments, thus contributing to all components of subject competence in physics. The article presents the structure of practical work, drawing attention to the need to use modern digital applications and computer programs for studying physics. Since the main task of this type of educational work is the formation of skills and abilities, their components should be various exercises: preparatory, trial, model, training, creative, practical, graphic, oral, written, graphic, etc. Practical work as a means of learning, can be used in lessons of various types and provide learning based on the student's requests: from simple to creative. They will differ in the detail of the instructions and the level of teacher consultation.


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How to Cite
Voitkiv, H., & Lishchynskyy, I. (2023). PRACTICAL WORKS IN PRIMARY SCHOOL PHYSICS COURSE. Scientific Journal of Polonia University, 55(6), 109-115.