Keywords: sepsis, septic shock, empirical antibiotic therapy, emergency medical care, antibiotic therapy regimens


The article compares different views on empirical antibiotic therapy during the first hourfrom the onset of suspected septic shock to the patient's transportation to the emergency department.The article is based on protocols and clinical guidelines from the Ministry of Health ofUkraine (MoH), Infectious Diseases Society of America (IDSA), and Society of Critical CareMedicine (SCCM). The aim of the study is to determine the feasibility of antibiotic therapy for septic shockwithin the first hour of its onset based on studies by foreign authors, comparison of protocolsand clinical guidelines from the Ministry of Health of Ukraine (MoH), Infectious DiseasesSociety of America (IDSA) and Society of Crirtical Care Medicine (SCCM). To determine theoptimal antibiotic regimen to prevent patient death based on the recommendations of the Ministryof Health of Ukraine and the Society of Critical Care Medicine (SCCM).Materials and methods. The following methods were used in the study: content analysis,comparative analysis and systematization of the research material. The study was conductedbased on the study of clinical guidelines and protocols of the Ministry of Health ofUkraine (MoH), Infectious Diseases Society of America (IDSA) and Society of Criminal CareMedicine (SCCM), as well as publications of foreign authors. The search was conducted on thebasis of PubMed and Google Scholar databases in 2017–2023.Results. According to the results of many scientists from around the world Ferrer R.(2014), Liu V. (2017), Singer M. (2017), Sherwin R. and co-authors (2017), Bloos F. (2017),Johnston A. (2017), Whiles B. (2017), Kim R. (2018), Sung W. (2020), Rothrock S. (2020),Sankar J. (2021), Asner S. (2021), Al-Kader D. (2022) Bisarya R. (2022) found that each additionalhour of delayed antibiotic administration from triage to drug administration leads to an8% to 34% increase in mortality among patients with septic shock before drug administration.Patients with a suspected septic process should receive antibiotics as soon as possible afterdiagnosis, otherwise the chances of complications in the form of septic shock increase witheach passing hour.Conclusions. Antibiotic therapy for suspected sepsis or septic shock should be started asearly as possible, but the recommendations of the IDSA and other studies should also be takeninto account to reduce complications and deaths caused by septic shock.


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How to Cite
Chorna, V., Tomashevskyi, A., Rybinskyi, M., Boyko, V., & Taheiev, V. (2024). THE NEED TO ADMINISTER ANTIBIOTIC THERAPY FOR SEPTIC SHOCK DURING TRANSPORTATION TO THE EMERGENCY DEPARTMENT FOR MORE THAN AN HOUR. Scientific Journal of Polonia University, 62(1), 216-223.