The study is devoted to the Five Syllabic Poets who were active in the early twentieth century, during the transformation of the Ottoman Empire into the Turkish Republic. This period was marked not only by important political and social changes, but also by dramatic transformations in the cultural sphere, including literature. The Five Syllabic Poets, also known as the “Five Silabists”, aimed to create a new, authentic Turkish poetry that reflected the spirit and needs of modern Turkish society. They made a significant contribution to Turkish literature, noting their approach to poetry and their desire to make it accessible to a wide audience. The Five Syllabic Poets sometimes made use of the materials of folk literature, which were used in a decorative style. The beauties of the country, the realities of Anatolia with its people and landscapes, their personal feelings, especially the national and historical. The fact that all five poets express a number of folk literature motifs in the treatment of these subjects shows their sensitivity to this issue. The poetry of these poets also reflects the impact of Mustafa Kemal Ataturk’s reforms on the literary process, indicating important changes in the consciousness of Turkish society during the period of transformation. The analysis of the works of the Five Syllabic Poets allows us to better understand and evaluate the historical context and cultural transformations in Turkey at the turn of the century.
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