The study presents an assessment of risk factors that affect obesity of a pregnant woman through components in the macrosystem, mesosystem, exosystem, and microsystem hierarchy according to Ramona Mercer's conceptual framework. Through the conceptual framework, we identify aspects with maternal and child impact in women with excessive body weight. The benefits of using the Mercer model are that multiple domains are identified and factors that affect nutrition, physical activity, and optimization of weight gain in a pregnant woman are taken into account. The conceptual framework supports the perception of contextual circumstances, helps to create conditions for changing health behavior and reducing health risks. Obesity in a pregnant woman, excessive weight gain and gestational body weight are influenced by physiological, psychological, behavioral, family, cultural and environmental factors. The interaction of factors creates preconditions for improving or worsening the health of a pregnant woman and a prenatal child during pregnancy. The process of caring for a pregnant woman with excessive body weight is focused on four concepts of obesity, pregnancy, complications and nursing management. The analysis of the conceptual framework helps to create preventive interventions and to select effective strategies. The aim of interventions is to achieve a change of environment for the pregnant woman, which may affect the regulation of body mass index, maintenance of gestational weight, behavioral changes, attitudes, nutritional adjustments, physical activity and reduced risk of complications in the mother and the child.
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