The aging of society will result in a dramatic increase of the age-related incidence and the effects of Alzheimer’s disease will be acutely felt not only by the patients but also by their families, carers and the whole population. The population of Poland is approximately 40 million. The aging process can be observed in Poland, the main reasons for that are: the declining birth rate and simultaneously the lengthening of the average human lifespan. During the discussion about medical, moral and social problems connected with the care of patients with Alzheimer's disease. Each of us sometimes forgets about something, for example, where we put the keys or if we turned off the gas or iron. One should start to worry when this happens very often, many times during the day. To discuss the care of patients with Alzheimer's disease the following information should be taken into consideration in order to know how to prepare the working conditions and environment for the caregivers.References
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