• Bartosz Wanot Polonia University in Czestochowa
  • Monika Tysiąc-Miśta Section of Dental Materials Science
  • Agnieszka Biskupek-Wanot


Herpes simplex virus is a virus which is spread worldwide. It is estimated that up to 90% of human population is infected by it. Due to the ways of spreading (saliva, sexual intercourse) HSV infection is common in human population and constitutes a serious health problem. Knowing that this disease may manifest itself in many different ways leading to severe conditions like meningitis it is very important to educate the socie- ty about theses dangers. In order to investigate dental patients' knowledge about herpes a survey was conducted. 50 patients took part in the research. The ques- tions covered the following topics: What is the level of patients' knowledge about cold sores? Whether patients consult on herpes labialis with a doctor? If not, how do they expand their knowledge on this sub- ject? Did the patients observe an increased severity of disease in autumn and winter? How do the respondents treat herpes labialis? What is the degree of infectivity in families of people with herpes? The conducted study reviled that the majority of respondents showed a good and a very good level of knowledge about cold sores. Patients possessed their knowledge mainly through conversations with friends and family and Internet research. It was also found that in most cases patients apply proper treatment. That is why the treatment effects are satisfactory.


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How to Cite
Wanot, B., Tysiąc-Miśta, M., & Biskupek-Wanot, A. (2015). KNOWLEDGE OF PATIENTS ON HERPES SIMPLEX VIRUS. Scientific Journal of Polonia University, 14(3), 7-23.

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