• Anna Knot-Świtała The F. Chopin Regional Clinical Hospital No. 1 in Rzeszow
  • Bartosz Wanot Polonia University in Czestochowa
  • Jan Bujok Clinic of General, Oncologic, Metabolic and Thoracic Surgery, Military Medical Institute
  • Witold Krupski II Department of Radiology Medical University in Lublin
Keywords: bile duct, diagnostic, diagnostic ultrasound, bile ducts diseases


The inspiration for writing this article has been a development of bile ducts imaging in the resent years. What needs to be noted is that the a ultrasound has high risk of error diseases in diagnosis of bile ducts. Despite of that ultrasound remains the gold standard in the diagnostic process of bile ducts diseases.

Author Biographies

Anna Knot-Świtała, The F. Chopin Regional Clinical Hospital No. 1 in Rzeszow
Bartosz Wanot, Polonia University in Czestochowa
Jan Bujok, Clinic of General, Oncologic, Metabolic and Thoracic Surgery, Military Medical Institute
Witold Krupski, II Department of Radiology Medical University in Lublin
Prof., MD, PhD


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How to Cite
Knot-Świtała, A., Wanot, B., Bujok, J., & Krupski, W. (2016). METHODS OF IMAGING BILE DUCTS WITH SPECIAL EMPHASIS ULTRASOUND. Scientific Journal of Polonia University, 19(4), 84-92.

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