• Paweł Świerczek
  • Bartosz Wanot Polonia University in Czestochowa


Marriage (legal) – the recognized union of a man and a woman whose aim is their shared life, mutual support, fidelity and cooperation for the welfare of the established family, especially raising their children. Parenthood means the motherhood of a woman and the fatherhood of a man by whom the offspring were conceived . Therefore, they are both responsible for the love for the child (children), their financial support, proper care, concern for their health and initial upbringing. It stems from the fact that parents’ example is the best model of education for the young generation in terms of themselves, the parents, the nation and the entire human community. Families form kin, local communities, nationalities and a set of nationalities forms state societies achieving common goals. Through full freedom (including sovereignty), peace and decent life of all the inhabitants of the earth they aspire to a community with its members supporting each other on all fronts of human existence.


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Dostep 26.02.2016

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How to Cite
Świerczek, P., & Wanot, B. (2016). MAŁŻEŃSTWO, MACIERZYŃSTWO I RODZINA WARUNKIEM TRWANIA POKOLEŃ. Scientific Journal of Polonia University, 16(1), 87-93.

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