• Sylwia Mackiewicz Polonia University in Czestochowa
  • Bartosz Wanot Polonia University in Czestochowa


Pharmaceutical marketing is to draw the attention of the recipi- ent on the price, availability and positive effects that are associated with their use of the product. It is constructed so that the potential recipient feels satisfied. Easy access to pharmaceuticals, the popularity and prom- ise made by producers in the advertising slogans are the most important elements responsible for product recognition. After hearing the public opinion of society on pharmaceuticals in the media, it is important to analyze how the ads affect the subconscious customers, how often they buy medication and whether these satisfy the their expectations In the survey, respondents answered questions related to the use of pharmaceuticals. The survey was designed to determine what factors affect people when buying medical supplies. Also asked about the feelings and reactions of respondents that have them advertised pharmaceuticals. The research shows that respondents are reluctant to buy adver- tised measures which have not previously tested. During their choice they are primarily driven by personal experiences. The vast majority number of respondents are aware that the advertising purchase a particular phar- maceutical and despite their belief that it is worth to trust well – known medications, customers are inspired by advertising.


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How to Cite
Mackiewicz, S., & Wanot, B. (2015). PHARMACEUTICS IN THE MEDIA. Scientific Journal of Polonia University, 14(3), 43-55.

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