Keywords: motivation, cadets, professional orientation, foreign language, military sector


The article deals with cadets’ motivation to learn a foreign language and the ways to increase it. Such types of motivation as intrinsic motivation, extrinsic motivation, integrative motivation, instrumental motivation, general language learning motivation, and classroom learning motivation are described and discussed in the research. Similarities and differences of these kinds of motivation are analysed. The importance of motivation as a driving force in the process of learning a foreign language and mastering language skills is highlighted in the paper. The role of a teacher in providing a positive environment for the formation of students’ motivation is considered in the research. Special attention is paid to the necessity of ensuring motivation of cadets while learning a language of another culture. Main ways of increasing their motivation to engage into the language learning process are proposed and characterized. Professional orientation of education is also taken into account while proposing effective methods of cadets’ motivation enhancement.


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How to Cite
Honcharuk, L., Riabokuchma, T., & Kryński, A. (2021). WAYS OF INCREASING MOTIVATION OF CADETS TO LEARN A FOREIGN LANGUAGE. Scientific Journal of Polonia University, 40(3), 129-133. https://doi.org/10.23856/4017

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