This article examines the factors (causes) of bullying in secondary educational institutions as a form of abuse or bullying of some children (adolescents) over others. Statistical data on the prevalence of the studied negative phenomenon in Ukraine and in the world is given; the need for new scientific research on the factors contributing to bullying in the educational milieu is noted with the view to develop an effective strategy for the prevention and counteraction of bullying. A number of scientific points of view on the bullying determination were analyzed; the key personal attributes of the main participants in the bullying relationship were highlighted. Attention is focused on the role of victimhood in the victim’s behavior as a direct cause of bullying, passive, unconscious bully provoking to commit illegal, antisocial violent actions. Other psychological factors of bullying are also being investigated. Particular attention is paid to social factors that directly or indirectly contribute to the emergence of bullying relations at the level of a social group, the issues of deformation of family relations and their cause and effect relationship with bullying at school are highlighted. Based on the study, the author’s approach to the classification of the factors contributing to bullying in the school milieu, in accordance with their nature, is proposed.
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