The article is devoted to the study of the success in the system of higher education in the USA and Ukraine. This concept in higher education has interested scholars in recent decades and has caused many debates about determining student progress. At the end of the twentieth century in the United States, student achievement was measured by quantitative indicators that demonstrated the effectiveness of higher education. But the gradual change in the higher education priorities, the characteristics of the students, the need to improve the educational process has led to a revision of the definition of this phenomenon and provoked a number of studies to expand this concept, creating models of success. The modern definition of student success in US higher education establishments involves academic success and the development of the necessary personality traits, skills and abilities for further self-realization. Ukrainian researchers consider success as a category of pedagogical psychology, as this concept concerns, first of all, the personal development of the student, the skills and abilities of useful interaction. At the same time, a number of studies made by Ukrainian educators are devoted to the issue of academic success, which is also considered as a qualitative development of the student`s personality. Unfortunately, compared to the United States, Ukraine does not have sufficient data on the quality of higher education, there are no experimental studies of success models for students. There is a lack of information on further self-realization of students, their employment. Thus comparing student success in the two countries, it can be concluded that there is a difference in understanding of this concept by American and Ukrainian scholars, the issue of retention, persistence and graduation is not sufficiently developed by Ukrainian educators. The problem to find the ways to improve higher education is common, but its development, as well as the creation of models for achieving success is not sufficiently represented in Ukrainian scientific discourses.
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