The article presents material on solving the problem of improving modern methods and technologies in teaching in medical institutions of higher education, as higher medical education requires rapid changes and non-standard creative solutions, especially in today’s conditions. Innovative teaching methods are aimed primarily at the processes of information perception and successful acquisition of practical skills, memory, development of creative and clinical thinking, proficient behavior in extreme situations, and gaining communication experience. The methods are calling innovative because they significantly change both the role of the teacher and the role of students. At the same time, the level of training of future doctors must meet clear criteria of goals and competence approach by the requirements of the quality of education. The importance of innovative teaching methods in the training of future doctors is highlighting. The theoretical and methodological analysis of the educational process of medical institutions of higher education. The content of the application of innovative teaching methods in the training of future doctors is generalized and systematized. Aspects of professional competence of the future doctor are covered. The effectiveness of case studies and situational role-playing methods is substantiated and identified as integral elements of teaching in medical institutions of higher education.
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