Keywords: interactive training technology, case method, leisure activities for children, summer camp, future teachers


Features of preparation of future teachers for carrying out of interactive training technologies in the course of the organization of leisure activity in the conditions of rest in summer camps are examined. It is noted that various forms of leisure activities in the summer camp can support the emotional health of children, overcome their own shortcomings, form the will and character. Advice and methods for conducting the case method are given: selection of material (material should be selected in such a way as to reflect the problems that participants may face in real life); the availability of alternatives (the situation around which the discussion takes place should have been sufficiently diverse and have several solutions). The advantages of the case method are described: realism (the use of this method significantly complemented the theoretical aspects of the problem); pressure reduction (case method gave a unique opportunity to study complex or emotionally significant issues in a safe training atmosphere, not in real life, with real threats and risks in case of making the wrong decision); active interaction (communicative nature of the method provided an opportunity to provide a quick but very important assessment of the issues under discussion and the proposed solution). It is proved that interactive pedagogical technology in the process of organizing leisure activities of a person (as a set of a series of consecutive actions aimed at achieving a result) was based on the principles of voluntariness, positivity, responsibility, partnership.


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How to Cite
Nozdrova, O., Bartienieva, I., & Kryński, A. (2021). INTERACTIVE TECHNOLOGIES OF TRAINING TEACHERS FOR ORGANIZING LEISURE ACTIVITY. Scientific Journal of Polonia University, 46(3), 80-87.

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