The article analyzes, summarizes and considers the current state of international cooperation in the fight against corruption in public authorities and identifies the benefits of participation in international anti-corruption cooperation for modern Ukraine. The variability of the existence of definitions of the concept of "corruption" has been substantiated. Defined and characterized by the transnational nature of the modern phenomenon of corruption. The reasons for the increase in the number of corruption offenses and offenses related to corruption are clarified and measures are given to improve this situation. The main directions and levels of international cooperation in the fight against corruption have been determined. The basics of international cooperation of Ukraine in the field of combating and combating corruption in accordance with the Law of Ukraine "On the Prevention of Corruption" are considered. The article analyzes the regulatory and legal groundwork of the subjects of international anti-corruption activities, in particular the United Nations Convention against Corruption. The activities of influential subjects of international anti-corruption policy (GRECO, Transparency International, etc.) have been identified and characterized. The leading role of civil society institutions in the implementation of international anti-corruption policy has been clarified. Practical recommendations are proposed for improving the quality of anti-corruption measures to prevent and combat corruption for modern Ukraine in the framework of international cooperation in the fight against corruption in public authorities.
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