Keywords: STEM-education, methods of teaching physics, interdisciplinarity, digitalization, applied aspect, integrated approach, institutions of higher education, technical profile


The current state of the education system is characterized by the transition to a new qualitative level, which has positive changes in the teaching of physics and professionallyoriented disciplines based on STEM technologies. Therefore, the current stage of development of physics education aims to solve the problems of formation, development and self-realization of the students/cadets, which becomes possible by creating appropriate pedagogical conditions that promote self-knowledge, self-improvement and development of creative potential. The article considers the methodological aspects of integration in the development of methods of teaching physics and professionally-oriented disciplines based on STEM technologies. The conceptual apparatus of «integration» and «interdisciplinarity» is outlined. The scientific and theoretical aspect of the methodology of teaching physics based on STEMtechnologies in terms of integrated and interdisciplinary approaches is considered, and the effectiveness of the proposed methodological system of teaching physics and professionallyoriented disciplines on compliance with educational programs of technical aviation, which also allows to ensure the formation of the basic conceptual apparatus of physics in students and strengthen their independent cognitive and exploratory activities. The results of the study were tested and received a positive assessment at various levels of activities.


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How to Cite
Kuzmenko, O., Savchenko, I., Savchenko, Y., & Kryński, A. (2022). INTEGRATION OF A METHODOLOGICAL SYSTEM OF TEACHING PHYSICS AND PROFESSIONALLY ORIENTED DISCIPLINES OF THE COURT OF CONTRIBUTION. Scientific Journal of Polonia University, 50(1), 93-105.

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