Słowa kluczowe: peripheral blood, cancer detection, differential diagnosis, cancer control


Due to the growing incidence of cancer in the world, it is becoming more relevant to study the indicators of secondary changes in blood in malignancies to use them as diagnostic and prognostic markers. The objective of the work is to conduct a morphometric analysis of peripheral blood erythrocytes in patients with iron deficiency anemia (IDA) and malignant anemia in colorectal cancer to identify specific changes and use them in a differential diagnostic practice. As the study material blood of 110 patients (58 men and 52 women) was taken. Among them 53 patients (31 women and 22 men) with IDA were examined, they formed the first (I) observation group and 57 patients (36 men and 21 women) with colorectal cancer, where the course of the underlying disease was burdened by malignant anemia second (II) observation group. The age of the patients under the survey is from 22 to 69 years. All patients were examined before any treatment was prescribed. The control group consisted of 50 healthy primary donors. Results. The data on the clinical significance of laboratory determination of morphometric changes in peripheral blood erythrocytes is highlighted in this paper. Differential-diagnostic and prognostic value of morphometric changes of erythrocytes in peripheral blood with iron deficiency anemia and anemia of malignancies is discussed. Indicators of morphometric characteristics of erythrocytes can be used in the differential diagnosis of anemia.

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