Keywords: stoma, bowel cancer, stoma emergence


 Among diseases of the 21st century, intestinal tumours are frequently mentioned. Colon cancer is a serious and growing health problem not only in Poland, but also in the world. As the most common result of fighting for one's own health and often even life is the consent to the intestinal stoma. Intestinal stoma is made by exteriorisation of the preserved intestinal end by abdominal incision outside the abdominal cavity, the incision of the mucous membrane and suturing it to the skin. The three main groups of indications for exteriorisation of stoma are: (a) inflammatory disease of intestines, (b) colitis, rectal and colonic trauma, (c) colorectal cancer. Properly exteriorised stoma on the large intestine should be located on the smooth surface of the skin away from the navel, hip bone, skin folds, scars and also at least 4 cm away from the main surgical cut. Patients should see the fistula well because it is the basis of proper self-care. Dermatological complications are the most common complication of stoma and occur in nearly 80% of patients. It comes to them as a result of irritation of the skin by the intestinal contents that come out of it and causes inflammation. This is usually the result of incorrect stoma care or improper use of stoma equipment. Despite medical advances towards minimizing invasive procedures and limiting the severity of the disease, the problem of the great stress experienced by every person undergoing surgical treatment is still valid and relevant to the outcome of the whole therapy. Choosing intestinal stoma is one of the most stressful treatments, so in this case, not only medical care but also psychological over the patient seems to be a priority.

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How to Cite
Chrostkowska, I., Wanot, B., Biskupek-Wanot, A., & Matulnikova, L. (2017). EXTERIORISATION OF INTESTINAL STOMA AS A RESULT OF INTESTINAL CANCER DISEASE. Scientific Journal of Polonia University, 25(6), 134-145. https://doi.org/10.23856/2514

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