Keywords: Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, COPD Treatment, COPD Rehabilitation.


 The basis of pharmacological treatment are bronchodilatory drugs, which include sympathomimetic and anticholinergic drugs. Another group of drugs dilating the bronchi  is methylxanthines. In the treatment of stable course of COPD, the most common way of administering drugs is by inhalation route. Antibiotic treatment is used when the infection is the cause of COPD intensification. In patients with COPD, controlled oxygen therapy is also used. The methods of COPD surgical treatment include: (1) surgical lung volume reduction (IZOP), that is the removal of the most altered emphysema, (2) emphysema excision (bulelectomy), that is excision of emphysema which helps lung function and reduces dyspnoea, (3) transplantation of lungs is performed in patients with very advanced COPD. Respiratory rehabilitation is a supplement to pharmacological treatment. In order to implement the rehabilitation, rehabilitation programmes developed by medical centers and other healthcare institutions have been created. The current rehabilitation consists of several elements: (1) education, (2) physical exercise, (3) behavioral interaction.


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How to Cite
Wanot, B., Stelmach, A., & Biskupek-Wanot, A. (2018). CHRONIC OBSTRUCTIVE PULMONARY DISEASE - THERAPY AND REHABILITATION. Scientific Journal of Polonia University, 31(6), 136-142.

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