The article has analyzed and covered methodological features of the training of a future primary school teacher for organizing schoolchildren’s leisure. The aim of the article is to substantiate the principal methodological features of efficient training of future primary school teachers for organizing children’s leisure activities. The aim has been implemented through solving the following tasks: 1) to show a need to take into account the age and individual characteristics of primary school children in the system of professional training of a teacher; 2) to justify special aspects of children’s leisure by marking its specific kinds and types as well as the principles of high-performance organization. In order to achieve the purpose and to complete the tasks, the author has used the methods of analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction, generalization and systematization. It is emphasized that the training system of a future primary school teacher for organizing leisure of a child as its subject should comply with general task-age features of the development, content, dynamics and progress of which has its specifics. A primary school child is considered not as a passive object of leisure activities but as their subject, a creator realizing his preferences and satisfying his interests. The main methodological features of the system of training of a future primary school teacher for organizing pupils’ leisure are defined as follows: consideration of the age and individual peculiarities of schoolchildren, specifics of children’s leisure when organizing leisure activities for junior schoolchildren, students’ mastery of competencies to involve children into those kinds, types and forms of leisure activities which facilitate the development of a creative potential of an individual, his drive for self-development, self-improvement and self-esteem in a micro-environment and society. Based on the defined criteria features, the author has established forms, types and principles of the leisure activities of primary school children.
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