Keywords: motivation, knowledge, skills, increasing, improving


The article examines the phenomenon of formative assessment as an innovative trend in English language teaching. The essence and the concept of formative assessment are considered in the article. The impact of formative assessment on the process of teaching and learning is highlighted. The advantages of using formative assessment approach in teaching of the cadets of the university are investigated. The article provides the basic principles and structural components of formative assessment. The paper shows the role of formative assessment in the process of improving cadets’ knowledge and skills, its effect on increasing their motivation in learning. The scientific and theoretical foundations of formative assessment are presented. The development of scientific ideas on formative assessment is analyzed. The article concludes the significance of using formative assessment principles in the process of studying aiming to motivate future officers to study English. It is the important factor for their future promotion and the key that will open for theml ots of opportunities in future.


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How to Cite
Zelenska, O., Kondra, O., & Galaidin, A. (2022). FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT AS EFFECTIVE CLASSROOM PRACTICE. Scientific Journal of Polonia University, 50(1), 151-155.

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